Our Daughter

Our Daughter


Our Sons

Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy Summer!!!

Anyone who is still following the blog knows it has been awhile since I last posted. Some computer glitch has blocked me from adding to the blog from my profile so this morning I thought I would try from someone elses in the family and amazingly it worked.

So what has happened in the last month and a half. Well, quite a bit actually. Jacob and Mitchell had their heads shaved for the Short Cut to the Cure. So we had a couple of very smooth headed boys for awhile.
Three days before school ended Jacob ran into the back of a parked truck on his bicycle and was laid up for a couple of weeks with a very bruised leg and minor concussion. The truck faired worse and ended up having $1800 worth of damages. Thank heavens Jacob was wearing his helmet. The story might not have ended so favorably otherwise.

Big dent is where Jacob's head hit, smaller one where his fist hit.

Those two dents are the bike and his knees.

On a happier note, we have been in the throws of driving back and forth to Lone Praire Camp with the boys. Zachary went first for two weeks for CLT training, then Mitchell went and now Jacob is at camp. Mitchell is going again next week with some friends from school to another camp just down the road from the one our boys go to. Camp is such a great experience in so many ways.

On the home front, We have been finishing outside jobs like yard cleanup from last years project, replanting grass that died with supplies sitting on it, steps have been installed on the veranda, Stephen is now working on the railing and last week the eavetroughing was installed. When the veranda railing is finished I will post a new picture.

Julianna and I continue to work on her speech and travel back and forth to Edmonton on Tuesday mornings to meet with the speech therapist. We are making progress but it is slow going as each sound has to be learned individually and then added to other sounds. For example: First we learned and practiced the vowel sounds and now we are adding them with the h sound. ie ho, ha, hi, he. E's are especially hard as the sound tends to come out her nose and has to be relearned for the sound to come out her mouth. We continue to have lots of fun watching Julianna learn and experience new things. She will going to playschool in the fall and I know will enjoy being with the other children. She has made friends with the little boy next door and loves to go visit him.

I will say so long for now. Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!!!

map of china
Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker


Daisypath Vacation Ticker


Lilypie Date is set Ticker

Record of the Wait

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone.
But still miraculously my own,
Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart, but in it.
Fleur Conkling Heylinger