It has been an extremely busy month. In some ways too busy with lots of activities and new developments. Stephen got laid off a couple of weeks ago so has been around home working on some of the many projects to finish off after the reno. We have also been making up for lost time and have made quite a few trips to the ski hill before the season comes to end this Sunday. We are all a little disappointed to see it come to an end. Mitchell started basketball this week and that committment will continue for the next 6 weeks. Jacob is busy with guitar lessons. As I mentioned in the last post Zachary has been extremely busy this year with both theatre and music and I thought I might share a few pictures of his many antics. It all started in November when he played William Friendly III in a play called Hotel Hollywood. William was a crazy accident prone nerdy inventor.

A nerdy inventor has to have a few explosions of course.

He also has a hard time making committments and has been dating the same girl for 8 years.
Who knows why she would wait that long, I mean look at the clothes.
The next charactor was Two Gun Tommy, a gangster in a play called Lucky Lucky Hudson.

Two Gun Tommy and his wife Petty Larceny Jane.
Then in February he took part in the Alberta Junior High Honor Band which after 2 1/2 days of practice as an assemble of 120 played at the Winspear in Edmonton. They even played 2 numbers with the Edmonton Wind Symphonia. That made about 160 on the stage at one time.

If that weren't enough he is now taking part in a large Easter production called Love According to John which has been performed in Edmonton for the last 30 plus years. They have 5 performances the week of Easter. He is also one of a small group working on a spoof of Snow White here in town. As you can tell he isn't shy. Its lots of fun and he meets lots of nice people.
And people think homeschool kids don't get out.
Julianna is doing great! We had a checkup yesterday with Dr. Baxter the pediatrician and also saw the occupational therapist. Things continue to move forward and they both feel she is doing really well. Her gross motor skills have improved and we will continue to work on the fine motor. Everyone always notices how happy she is and she really is like that all the time. We are very blessed.
Hope you all have a great day!!!!