Our Daughter


Our Sons
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
We have been in school 2 weeks already much to everyone's chagrin. It has literally been a mad house here. Football is also in full swing so that takes up almost every night because Jacob and Mitchell practice on different nights and then sometimes have games different days.
Zachary had has an interesting 2 weeks with feeling ill most mornings. At first we thought it might be nerves but finally clued in that some medication he had started taking back the end of August was doing a real job on his stomach and causing terrible nausea. After being off the meds for the last 4 days he is feeling much better.
Julianna started play school the week before last and is absolutely loving it. She enjoys going to class and taking part in the activities. I stayed most of the first day just to be sure we weren' t having any attachment problems. And have periodically since then stayed to watch through the two way glass or dropped in to have a gander. She is doing just great!Its great to see her have the opportunity to interact with other kids her age.
Stephen is still in Fort McMurray and has just gone back to a longer shift of 11 and 3. Not sure how long that will last!
We have also added another member to the family in the way of a new Golden Retriever puppy, named Buddy. Before everyone starts thinking I'm nuts, a bit of inside info needs to be shared. Our cocker spaniel Joey has a tumor in his ear which has been operated on twice now and continues to come back. The vet tells us that even if we wanted her to she couldn't get at it to remove it again. So at this point Joey is on meds to relieve the itch and swelling until it isn't humane for him to endure major discomfort.
Well, I will sign off for now and add a few pictures in the next day or so.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Happy Summer!!!
So what has happened in the last month and a half. Well, quite a bit actually. Jacob and Mitchell had their heads shaved for the Short Cut to the Cure. So we had a couple of very smooth headed boys for awhile.
On a happier note, we have been in the throws of driving back and forth to Lone Praire Camp with the boys. Zachary went first for two weeks for CLT training, then Mitchell went and now Jacob is at camp. Mitchell is going again next week with some friends from school to another camp just down the road from the one our boys go to. Camp is such a great experience in so many ways.
On the home front, We have been finishing outside jobs like yard cleanup from last years project, replanting grass that died with supplies sitting on it, steps have been installed on the veranda, Stephen is now working on the railing and last week the eavetroughing was installed. When the veranda railing is finished I will post a new picture.
Julianna and I continue to work on her speech and travel back and forth to Edmonton on Tuesday mornings to meet with the speech therapist. We are making progress but it is slow going as each sound has to be learned individually and then added to other sounds. For example: First we learned and practiced the vowel sounds and now we are adding them with the h sound. ie ho, ha, hi, he. E's are especially hard as the sound tends to come out her nose and has to be relearned for the sound to come out her mouth. We continue to have lots of fun watching Julianna learn and experience new things. She will going to playschool in the fall and I know will enjoy being with the other children. She has made friends with the little boy next door and loves to go visit him.
I will say so long for now. Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
New Pics
Hi folks, Thought it was time to share a couple new pictures. My girl's clothes can be so much fun. The first is from a princess dress up birthday party a couple of weeks ago and the second is from last weekend. Julianna is doing just great as you can see. She enjoys life to the fullest and loves being outside. Although her speech is still unclear we are understanding more all the time and she has starting reading to me in the last week or two. Next week we have our appointment with the speech therapist and I am hoping she will give us some exercises to work on over the summer. God has so blessed us !!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Surgery Completed
A few weeks have passed since my last post so thought it was time to give an update. Yesterday was Julianna's palate surgery. We left the house bright and early at 6:30am to be there for 8:00am. We arrived on time and received our paperwork and then sat in the waiting for the appointed time. 10:10am. At 9:40am they called to say they we are their way down to take her upstairs only to call back 2 minutes later to say there was a delay. Finally at 10:40am they came and we went up to another waiting room outside surgery to wait again. We talked to the surgeon and to the anesthesiologist before actually going into the OR at about 11:30am (I got to go in with her)where they proceeded to try to get in an IV, to no avail. So they used the mask to get her off to sleep. When we saw her later they had tried in both hands and it ended up in her foot. Amazingly enough not 24 hours she was released and is doing great here at home. Her mouth doesn't seem to be causing her any great discomfort and she is eating just fine. Stephen stayed the night with her and was kicked out of his bed at about midnight because they needed it for another little girl. We are so thankful she is on the mend so quickly. She is quite the little trooper.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
A nerdy inventor has to have a few explosions of course.
He also has a hard time making committments and has been dating the same girl for 8 years. Who knows why she would wait that long, I mean look at the clothes.
The next charactor was Two Gun Tommy, a gangster in a play called Lucky Lucky Hudson.
Two Gun Tommy and his wife Petty Larceny Jane.
Then in February he took part in the Alberta Junior High Honor Band which after 2 1/2 days of practice as an assemble of 120 played at the Winspear in Edmonton. They even played 2 numbers with the Edmonton Wind Symphonia. That made about 160 on the stage at one time.
If that weren't enough he is now taking part in a large Easter production called Love According to John which has been performed in Edmonton for the last 30 plus years. They have 5 performances the week of Easter. He is also one of a small group working on a spoof of Snow White here in town. As you can tell he isn't shy. Its lots of fun and he meets lots of nice people.

map of china
Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone.
But still miraculously my own,
Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart, but in it.
Fleur Conkling Heylinger